Music Production workshop
This workshop gives a practical introduction to the art of music production, teaching the tools and tricks of the trade and offering the opportunity to create a single - who knows, perhaps the next Gnarls Barkley?

To start the workshop off, the tutor will teach the pupils what makes a musical track successful and find out what music style the participants want to make their track in, using different examples from today's music industry. The pupils will also be taught about musical bars, timing and tips on how to bring impact to the musical track.
The tutor will then demonstrate how to put together a full drum beat using drum samples in a step by step teaching technique. Following the drum beat, the pupils will then go on to learn how to put together a bass line and more, using samples from some of the top sample CDs available today.
After the demonstrations, the participants will have their chance to get a more hands on approach with all the equipment and will start composing their very own musical tracks with the help of the tutor and even get the chance to learn how to record and put effects on vocals to enhance the sound quality and improve the tuning of the voice.
Overall the participants involved in this workshop are not only given an amazing opportunity but will also have a creative, fun day and come away with the basic knowledge of how to create a musical track of their own plus have a copy of the track they made in the workshop to show to all their friends and family.
This workshop includes group discussions, trivia and facts on the music business and tons of good advice on how to get ahead in this wide ranging industry.
The Music Production workshop leaders
The Music Production tutors all have an enormous amount of experience and knowledge of the software and programs used in today's music industry. They have used sequencers such as Cubase SX, Logic Audio, Sonar, Fruity Loops and more, plus hundreds of plug in effects like Auto Tune, Reverb, Echo, chorus, and more. The tutors have taught from the basics upwards to youth and adults all over the UK. The tutors have also produced music tracks for various artists in the UK that have been released as singles and on albums sold worldwide.
The tutors are very skilled when it comes to breaking this complicated activity into a clear and easy to learn teaching technique that has helped hundreds of pupils they have taught in this creative workshop.
Customer comments
"I had a new team so I wanted something for them that was fun, energising and would get everyone working together. I also wanted something they would never have done at an off-site before. Top Dog met all of these objectives and more. Everyone in the team got something out of it, the CD for everyone to take home was a great idea." - Peter Josse, CIO Europe, ABN AMRO
Scheme of work
Principal purpose:
To give participants the rare chance to create their own music single, produced, written and performed by themselves!
Benefits include:
- Taking your own copy of your single back to show all your friends and family
- Learning to use music production programs that some of the top professionals use in the music industry
- Hearing your own vocals on a track you have produced
- Having the chance to express yourself through creative writing/writing lyrics
Highlights of the workshop:
- Learning how to create your own backing track in stages, guided by a professional, all from scratch
- Writing your own lyrics, guided by a professional
- Recording your own vocals onto the previously created backing track
- Showing all your friends and family the finished product when you get home
All participants will have the opportunity to:
- Use some industry equipment and music production programs to create a backing track of their choice, with help from a professional tutor.
- Then to write their own lyrics to their previously created backing track and record them through a professional studio microphone.
- To finish it all off participants will take away a single created all by themselves.